Andi Askar

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With Danny being a fine art screenprinter, it was only natural that he printed our wedding invites. Danny is also a very talented graphic designer - double win. We first thought that we would only be screen printing the invites, but then it turned into menus, place cards, seating charts, and more. Designing (I got to play art director) and printing everything for our wedding was really fun and rewarding, but a lot of work. And we did it... twice.

Since we decided to have a small, intimate wedding in Big Sur and then a larger party in Los Angeles, we had two different visions for our designs. I was so excited to see what we would come up with and to be his right-hand-lady in the process!

For the Big Sur invite, we went for a forest-y, landscape theme to get our guests excited for the adventure ahead. For the party, we re-mixed/re-purposed an existing design from the 1960s. This design was originally used on the cover of a piano song book of the Kink's "Dandy", which we also had Danny's grandma perform at our wedding with her own lyrics written just for us.

The photos here show this invite in particular being printed. I was lucky enough that Danny could print them on a day that I wasn't in the office, so I was able to photograph him work.

I guess you could say green was our wedding color. I had originally wanted a shimmery copper, but we decided that green would be more versatile and less exhausting throughout the series of pieces. Danny mixes all of his inks from scratch to ensure the perfect color, which is a very tedious process. This was probably the longest part of the day besides waiting for them to dry.

It was so cool to see our creation come to life on paper and see my then future-husband in his zone working on a personal project! We really felt like this special, DIY touch really set the tone for our entire wedding. I couldn't have asked for anything more beautiful.

Danny is LA's best screen printer. I know that sounds biased because I am now married to him, but he really is. His superior organization, clean workflow, and ultra-tight registration make him stand out from the rest. Thank you, Danny. I love you.

Photography by Even Keel Imagery & myself.

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